
HIV/AIDS Practices / Others

1. Intensive International Training Course on the Management of Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Program for National and Local Program Managers

   Without Antiretrviral Treatment (ART), far greater numbers of AIDS patients would die every year. Many countries have gradually scaled up ART services : achieving wider converage of such services has been recognized to improve health outcomes, quality of life and enable affected individuals to lead productive life. The Thai MOPH has had more that a decade of experience in both clinical implementation and service management of ART. And it is very willing to share this with other countries.

A five-day training course in Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) programs, for national and local program managers, is designed to provide the participants with an understanding of the key managerial aspects related to ART services. These include : program initiation and development, ART regimens, procurement and distribution of drugs, voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) programs, adherence and surveillance, monitoring and evaluation. Participants will draw up their ideas in an ‘ART work plan’.

2. International Training Course on STI/HIV Laboratory Diagnosis

    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) remain a public health problem of major

significance in most parts of the worlds. Thailand is one of the leading countries in this

region which has implemented national STIs prevention and control effectively for more

than 40 years. The STIs Cluster, formerly known as STD Division of the Department of

Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, has therefore accumulated experience and

expertise in the laboratory diagnosis of the STIs and HIV, in addition to those of innovative

intervetions and program implementation which has placed Thailand’s effort in the

prevention and control of HIV/AIDS and STIs in the forefront were achievements are

concerned. Short and medium term international training courses were designed and have

been conducted regularly by the experienced resource persons who are staff from within the

Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) and teaching universities since 1977 to share knowledge

and expertise as well as strengthen capacity of laboratory technicians and related medical

staff from countries within the Asia region and other regions.

    For Two-week long training course, participants are designed to achieve knowledge and

updated skills of major STIs, appropriate laboratory testing techniques and correct

diagnosis. In addition, they will increase capacity and skills of laboratory technicians and

medical staff to correct understanding in STIs/HIV laboratory diagnosis for their future

application at their workplace and to set up HIV/STIs networks for similar standard of

practice and exchange information in diagnosis.

3. International Training Course on Management of Long - Term Adherence to ART

    Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is the most common therapy using an

antiretroviral drug which can reduce viral load and mortality rate of AIDS cases.

Medication adherence is the vitally necessary in the long-term treatment to reduce HIV and

increase immunity in order to help patient improve quality life for long living. Many factors

are necessary and efficient treatment and care with the antiretroviral drug, such as setting up

access to service system, the referral treatment system, ARV of  standard resistance, to have

a local manufactured ARVs, to follow up on complications of drug and drug resistance. The

most important factor is to follow up the good long-term adherence to achieve of ARV

therapy, reduce budget to solve the drug resistance problems in the future.

    A five-day training course on Management of Long - Term Adherence to ART, is

designed to give more knowledge and understanding about the principles and concepts of

Long-Term Adherence and to set up strategies, methodology including monitoring and

evaluation of Long – Term Adherence. The contents included country presentation, lecture,

case study, discussion and field study.

4. International Training Course on Comprehensive Pediatric HIV/AIDS Care


    Since HIV/AIDS epidemic, children around the world have been directly and indirectly

affected by this disease. UNAIDS (2009) had reported that about hundreds of thousands of

children across the world become infected with HIV every year. Once children are infected

with HIV, they experience with tremendous life threatening and suffering conditions caused

by the disease itself as well as their growth and development. HIV infected children are

more likely to progress to full-blown AIDS quicker than adult. They are also highly

vulnerable to opportunistic infections and often respond poorly to immunization and

treatment for other common childhood illnesses. As a result, many of them have a greater

chance of life-threatening illness and death, unless they can successfully be provided with

comprehensive treatment and care.

    For 5 days long training course, participants are designed to provide knowledge on

comprehensive pediatric HIV/AIDS care management. Also they will share experience of

successful multidisciplinary Thailand pediatric HIV/AIDS care team at regional and local

levels in providing comprehensive pediatric HIV/AIDS care and management. Moreover,

participants will develop action plan for comprehensive pediatric HIV/AIDS care services

in their setting using lesson learned from the training. Then they will develop

multidisciplinary pediatric HIV/AIDS care team in their setting. Teaching methods used in

this course are based on lecture, discussion, case based discussion, experience sharing, brain

storming, role play, group work, after action review (AAR), and site visit.

5. International Training Course on STIs Case Management Skills

    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a common and serious public health problem

worldwide.  Most widely known STIs are gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV. In addition, there

are more than 20 other known STIs which can cause acute illness, long-term disability and

even death, with severe medical and psychological consequences. Many of the infections

are curable with accurate, early diagnosis and effective treatment. Failure to diagnose and

treat STIs at an early stage may result in serious complications and sequelae which include,

pelvic inflammatory diseases, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, foetal wastage stillbirths, and

neonatal and childhood infections and HIV/AIDS. Such constraints and barriers as lack of

information, diagnosis and treatment skills and facilities, self-treatment by clients,

asymptomatic infections, stigma, etc, in many countries also add to difficulties in managing

and improving the STIs program.

    A five-day training course on STIs Case Management Skills, participants will learn of the

symptoms, manifestation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of STIs and other related

aspects including VCT and condom promotion. In addition to the classroom lectures and

presentation, observations of the STIs clinic service and practical sessions with models are

also arranged for improving the skills in case management. A small number of participants

provided excellent opportunity for discussion and Q&A to clarify issues.

6. International Training Course on Prevention of HIV and STIs through Sexual

Transmission in Special Target Population Groups

    After two decades, HIV and AIDS remains to be one of the global dynamic epidemics

requiring careful, timely and target specific responses by countries around the world. 

Slacking in programs and neglecting of any high at risk population groups can equate to

lose any gains previously accomplished through hard work of preventive and care

interventions. Therefore, it’s important that national HIV prevention program is able to

reach the people most at risk of the infection, particularly young people, men who have sex

with men, sex workers and their clients to deter the upward and/or hard-to-decline trends in

infection rates.

    A curriculum for a five days training course has been developed  to provide an 

knowledge update on  effective interventions in prevention of sexually transmitted   HIV

and STIs among the selected target populations including  sex workers, youth and MSM. 

Participants will learn from classroom lectures, discussion, sharing of experiences,

participating in exercises and field visits. Resource persons are experts who have created

successful interventions and extensive experiences in planning and implementing the HIV

and STIs program in Thailand and Asia.

7. TCDC Training Course on Programme Management of Prevention of Mother to

Child HIV Transmission

    Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) was one of the priority

areas for discussion at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS

which took place in June 2001. The commitment of the meeting is the goal of reducing the

number of children acquiring HIV through mother-to-child transmission by 20% in the year

2005 and by 50% in 2010. At this historic meeting, over 180 member states signed the

declaration of commitment on HIV/AIDS. These targets which have been labeled by some

people as being rather ambitious are in fact achievable. For this to happen, however,

countries do need to begin to scale up their activities aimed at preventing and stopping

mother-to-child transmission of HIV. This is not only going to need money and strong

political will, but will in each country among many other things, need a core group of

various backgrounds who can then be able to shake things up at regional and country level

so that effective and locally feasible scaling up of the PMTCT of HIV can happen.

    For 8 days long training course, it aims to make available Thailand's experience in social

development with emphasis on women and children's issues to countries in Asia and the

Pacific. This experience is passed on through regular training courses, study visits and

follow-up exchange visits conducted in cooperation with government agencies and NGOs.

Not only has this experience created an opportunity for countries in the region to learn from

Thailand and apply the knowledge and expertise gained in implementing similar projects in

their own countries, but also for Thailand to learn and benefit from this regional technical


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Email : itcthaitraining@gmail.com Telephone : +66(2) 590 3362 Fax : +66(2) 5918413